COVID-19 against independent music
The independent music businesses were heavily affected by the COVID pandemic, has not been supported by emergency public policies and, on top of all that, has seen its artistic freedom further curtailed by the automatic blocking of their online live performances, especially when electronic music and hip-hop is concerned. Although highlighted by the novel circumstances, this is not a new discussion. The Brazilian legislation allows for transformative use of parts of preexisting works in the creation of new works of art. However, the automated system does not consider the legal adequacy of such uses under the national system, and therefore negatively impacts creator’s artistic independence by curtailing the fundamental legal right to artistic freedom. This panel brings together Brazilian musicians to discuss the challenges posed by such digital constrains and what the future may hold for such artists.
This session has simultaneous interpretation in Spanish, English and Portuguese.
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Allan Rocha de Souza
Carla Arminda
Tiago Barbosa
Márcia Emerentina
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