COVID in Brazil: the role of Open Access, OER and Open Data and Science in facing the pandemic.
COVID brought into view a myriad of issues that are intrinsically related to the broader open movement, including the role of open access to scientific communication, the importance of open educational resources for online teaching, the relevance of open data for contemporary research and of open science for overcoming the challenges imposed but the new coronavirus pandemic. This panel will bring about researchers from different backgrounds and Brazilian institutions to discuss the developments prior to 2020, the impacts being felt during the pandemic and what can we expect from the post pandemic times.
This session has simultaneous interpretation in Spanish, English and Portuguese.
Include this session in your calendar. Below you will find a link so you can add it.
Enter the session at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89184374136
Participation during and after the session will take place through Telegram. Join the group for this session at https://t.me/joinchat/P11BVxgMvX8x04Tst0T-mA
We recommend that you read our Conduct Guide beforehand at http://www.globalcongressip.org/2020/09/29/conduct-guide/
Allan Rocha de Souza
Carla Arminda
Liz Sass
Tel Amiel
Vanessa Jorge
Sarita Albagli
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