Intellectual Property in times of Coronavirus: the Brazilian case!
Abstract: The COVID-19 crisis has stressed the importance of many technological and scientific resources that have become increasingly present in contemporary society. Access and use of Big Data sets provides invaluable material for data-driven analysis, which in turn serves not only as a means to understand how the disease behaves and spreads but also as a crucial tool for artificial intelligence projects involved in several tasks, such as genetic sequencing and patient diagnosis. Meanwhile, countries and companies race against time in search of treatments, vaccines, and drugs capable of responding to this new health crisis. However, this scenario also brings to the forefront several issues in intellectual property regulation which directly affect the use of said technologies. . A review of such processes in Brazil is the main goal of this panel. The panel will be presided by Professor Allan Rocha (UFRRJ/UFRJ).
This session has simultaneous interpretation in Spanish, English and Portuguese.
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Allan Rocha de Souza
Dr. Luca Schirru
Dr. Patrícia Porto
Miguel Alvarenga
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