Open Intellectual Property as an instrument to combat COVID-19
WHO’s (World Health Organization) global strategies to expand access and actions taken in Brazil, especially on compulsory licenses. The central discussion is the democratic access to drugs for combating COVID-19, that is to say: (i) access withequality, without any type of discrimination; (ii) accesswith equity in the face of the need of each human being,without distinction; and (iii) access regardless of one’scountry or region, as it is a global pandemic. The matter is clear in a world with COVID-19 or post-pandemic. The intellectual property system must providea property management practice that takes into accountthe public interest, with open licensing, also eliminatingbarriers to industrialization of the necessary input forproduction, distribution and access to all countries on anequal basis.
This session has simultaneous interpretation in Spanish, English and Portuguese.
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Alice De Perdigão Lana
Bibiana B. Virtuoso
José Augusto Fontoura Costa
Luciana Reusing
Lukas Ruthes Gonçalves
Pedro De Perdigão Lana
Marcos Wachowicz
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