Wrongly granted patents and Accountability of patent offices
Often the continuous increase in patent applications and grants of patents in developed and some developing countries (mostly China) is eulogized as an attestation of the growing innovation, research and development, and the role of the patent system in stimulating it. However, an increase in multiple grants of patents to individual pharmaceutical products indicates to a great extent that low standards of patentability criteria are applied to grant patents by patent offices and courts. For instance, multiple patents granted to purported potential COVID-19 drug Remdesivir have extended its monopoly for 6 years (2035) in a few countries. Patent offices in developing countries play an important role in applying rigorous and high-quality patent examination and ensuring access to medicines. The panel discussion will focus on the accountability of patent offices in applying high-quality examination and weeding out unworthy patent.
This session has simultaneous interpretation in Spanish, English and Portuguese.
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Prathibha Sivasubramanian
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